One of the most layered and fun goregrind records in some time.
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British artists are very good at music and Remote Viewing is great at sludge metal
One of these classic extreme records where your appreciation of it speaks more about you than it does about the record itself.
Well, who would’ve thought a band named Dødsmaskin really sounds like a death machine?
Candlemass are old, but they are awesomely old. This is their Dio worship album.
Darkthrone are never bad, but they haven’t been this fucking awesome and forward thinking in many years.
Once again, Backxwash has absolutely floored me. I am speechless and yet I can’t shut up about this record.
Opinions about Lorna Shore are not nuanced, but it would help them if they were.
Twenty-two years after its release, Calculating Infinity is still unassailable.
Slayer is renowned to be one of the most metal bands ever because of albums like this.
Screw what you heart about the latest Cattle Decapitation record. It’s new and great.