What are you looking for, homie?

Dead End Follies Awards 2012 - Nominees for Best New Book

Megan Abbott would've loved to win this year also...I'm sure

The biggest perk of being a book blogger is that I can read (and review) whatever I want, whenever I want. The quirk of being a "successful" book blogger, is that I get a lot of requests, from authors, publishers and agents. It's fine, but I don't sacrifice my proverbial "TBR" reading pile for a pseudo-commercial purpose (it pays in books, not money). But I have to do things right. If I reward "the best novel" at the end of the year *, the recent publications, which have contributed to the success of this blog, also deserve their own. So this category rewards the best "coming out of nowhere" new publication that swept me from my feet. The nominees are....

* Best novel nominees are not eligible to other categories, they're too awesome.

Book Review : Hilary Davidson - The Next One to Fall (2012)

Frank Sinatra in a Blender (and Why it's a Mandatory Stop in Your Existence)