What are you looking for, homie?

2012 was a Bad Year

There you go, I said it. I can't recall having experienced such a straightforward bad year in my life. Not over the last decade anyway. So what happened?

  • I lost my job.
  • I've been an idiot and worked like a monkey on projects that weren't my own.
  • I ended up working myself into the ground.
  • I lost the ability of writing more than a thousand words a day.
  • None of my long-winded writing projects have survived beyond the three thousand words mark.
  • Dead End Follies didn't take such a hit as last year over the summer, but it didn't quite recover.
So we're December 27th, I am currently in Josie's family and have not much to come back to in Montreal for 2013. An unpaid internship, more employment-insurance paperwork, a tighter budget and a whole lot of uncertainty. But the world works in mysterious ways and nothing is ever black or white. Good things also happened in 2012.

  • I lost my horribly paid, soul-sucking, corporate job. Can't see how I can follow up with something worst. You can only rise from the bottom.
  • I discovered my flaws a little better. Found out that I worked so hard at other people's project because I was afraid to fail at my own.
  • I still have Josie to scrape me off the floor. She's still standing strong beside me. The dog is also helping with that.
  • I bought Freedom. It's easier to write with that.
  • My mind is still crackling with ideas and I have still the desire to work and improve. I have published ten short stories. One over five thousand words long  and one who's got me praises from a very reputable agent.  Means I'm still a writer after all this. 
  • Dead End Follies hasn't reached its objective for 2012, but it's still widely successful and it will live to see 2013. Now that I'll spend time in a web marketing company, expect it to grow more fuel-efficient and reach new heights.
  • Other good things happened like, I've been to Vegas.
You know what they say. You can't keep a good man down. I see nothing left for 2013, except going forward and make a stronger foundation for what 2012 has swept away. You live, you learn, you try not to trip over the same obstacles twice. I hope you enjoyed reading Dead End Follies in 2012, because I enjoyed every minute I spent behind the keyboard talking to you. The world hasn't ended yet and neither did I.

Book Review : Joshua Davis - John McAfee's Last Stand

Book Review : Edward Wright - From Blood (2012)