What are you looking for, homie?

Planned Service Interruption

Planned Service Interruption

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m happy to announce that I will be touring through Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from April 5th to April 20th. It’s been a dream of mine to visit the American west, so I’ll try to do it without getting shot. So, expect these two weeks to be a little light on content around the waist. In the meantime, I’m taking suggestions for:

  • Books I should bring with me

  • Books I should review

  • Movies I should review

  • How not to get shot in the American west

Also, I’d like to hear your appreciation for the new direction the site’s been taking since January. Numbers indicate you guys dig it, but I’d like to hear from you.

Movie Review : The Dirt (2019)

Movie Review : The Dirt (2019)

Book Review : Nick Hornby - High Fidelity (1995)

Book Review : Nick Hornby - High Fidelity (1995)