This is a fight to the death and Activision is spreading the green goods in order to muffle Castro & Guevara...hem...I mean Zampella & West. This is taking urban legend and somewhat of an Orwellian proportion. G4TV has been offline for all morning after reportedly divulgated a leaked document from Activision Studios. You're not making any friends Bobby. G4TV are supported by TV channels and people outside the industry, so spend your cash wisely if you want to win this! G4 is back online and the whole community is curious to know if your evil ass if behind this.
In other news, a report from the Infinity Ward insurgeants is stating the following:
" On little notice, Activision insisted on conducting interviews over the Presidents’ Day holiday weekend; West and Zampella were interrogated for over six hours in a windowless conference room; Activision investigators brought other Infinity Ward employees to tears in their questioning and accusations and threatened West and Zampella with “insubordination” if they attempted to console them; Activision’s outside counsel demanded that West and Zampella surrender their personal computers, phones and communication devices. "
What is that? State police? No it's a goddamn video game company. What I don't get in that story is why Kotick stigmatized these two guys so hard and now spend a shitload of cash to dismiss them as clowns. The man seems to think that the Modern Warfare brand is going to sell itself. Maybe it will Bobby, but make a shit game and people will forget it, they will move on to the next good game.
We should form clans like for New Moon. Team Kotick Vs Team Infinity Ward. We need a Burger King commercial