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BBC Radio Documentary About David Foster Wallace

Endnotes: David Foster Wallace from george lazenby on Vimeo.

I know some of you share my enthusiasm for the work of David Foster Wallace, so this might interest you. I found this documentary by complete fluke while browsing Flavorwire yesterday. It's a forty-five minutes long, audio only documentary about the life and the work of Wallace. People that were important to him like his agent Bonnie Naddell and his editor Michael Pietsch are interviewed. It's amazing to see how he profoundly touched his relatives during his short life. There are audio clips of Wallace talking also, explaining his peculiar yet very accurate view of the state of fiction in the information age. It's great for the fans and it's also a good introduction to the man and the writer. It's worth an hour out of your (I'm sure) very busy Sunday.

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