What are you looking for, homie?

So Long, And Thank You For Everything Harold Camping

It's the rapture today. Harold Camping doesn't talk. He's holed up in his mansion in California. He's probably praying. That's what he should do, because the journalists are going to nail his ass if it's not the apocalypse by tomorrow. Adept Robert Fitzgerald has declared it's going to happen at 6 PM, Eastern Time precisely. Fitzgerald has also engulfed 140 000$ of his savings into this whole rapture project. So far, it's a beautiful day and I went for a hike with Scarlett.

I wonder if tomorrow, Harold Camping will wake up and wonder if God might have not been talking to him all that time. That maybe that heavenly sound WAS the buzz of his refrigerator after all. And you, what have you been doing for rapture?

Book Review : Anthony Neil Smith - Hogdoggin' (2009)

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