What are you looking for, homie?

The Perks Of Being A Book Blogger

Look what the cat dragged in. An angry mailman has thrown this on my porch this morning*.I'm not gonna lie, I'm excited about this. Josh Stallings' first novel has got a lot of hype since its release. A few weeks ago, I mentioned that Dead End Follies was starting to get profitable. Of course, this is petty money. On a monthly basis, it's enough for one fast food and a half. The true perk is the books. I am starting to get a good number of books through the mail and via agents, because Dead End Follies can now provide decent exposure for starting writers AND other writers that I deem interesting. This, my friends, is very cool.

It's not even the immediate gratification of receiving free stuff or having killer books to read. It's about influence. Having a say in how things will play out in the greater scheme, no matter how small it is. Because once you have an audience and once you are heard, you have a power that goes beyond basic free will and it's enthralling. It's by helping other writers getting their name out there that you can help building a cool scene for the genre you love (and in my case, write), so that it can be viable to write whatever you feel like writing about. I am going to squeeze BEAUTIFUL, NAKED AND DEAD in my TBR pile as high as I can and so I can give you guys my opinion of Josh Stallings and his flagship protagonist Moses McGuire**

In case you wondered, the answer is yes. Those are my feet.

* In case you don't know, we had a postal service strike. But we also happen to have a fascist government that ordered them back to work, so that people could receive their bills.

** To be quite frank, I have about three or four books in the Dead End Follies Official TBR, but I have to keep you guessing a little bit.

Movie Review : The Fog Of War (2003)

Book Review : Gregory Miller - The Uncanny Valley: Tales From A Lost Town (2011)