What are you looking for, homie?

Off The Record has officially hit the (virtual) shelves

It has taken us a little by surprise on this beautiful Sunday morning, but thanks to Amazon's diligence, OFF THE RECORD: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES BASED ON CLASSIC SONG TITLES is now officially for sale on Amazon's Kindle store. My story based on Michael Jackson's BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR is a part of it, as well as other stories by Luca Veste (he edited the damn thing too!), Col Bury, Les Edgerton, Heath Lowrance, AJ Hayes, Chris Rhatigan, Sean Patrick Reardon, Ian Ayris, Iain Rowan, Matthew C. Funk, Thomas Pluck, Patti Abbott, Chad Rohrbacher, Court Merrigan, Paul D. Brazill, Ron Earl Phillips, Nigel Bird, Julie Morrigan, David Barber, McDroll, Eric Beetner, Steve Weddle, Nigel Bird, Darren Sant, Simon Logan, Helen Fitzgerald, Ray Banks and many other writers I don't know, but who own, I'm sure. It's my fifth publication this year, but my fourth within a month. So time flies, for sure.Things are going really fast sometimes.

If you want a copy, head to -


It's a mere 2,99$ (2,29 Euros) and all the profits are to be given to charity organisms for children literacy in US and UK. So thank you in advance for supporting such a great cause by reading great crime fiction!

Movie Review : The Descendants (2011)

A Writing Update About The Lost Children Anthology and Other Things