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Sportswriting Adventures

I have an announcement to make. Back in early January, one of my objectives for this year was to find an outlet for my basketball thoughts and join a sportswriting blog. I'm happy to announce you it is now done, and then some. Ladies and gentlemen, I am now basketball editor for ballballlballball, the brand new sports blog brought you by the team behind the late, great htmlgiant. It's exciting news for me because on top of having an outlet for basketball thoughts, I'll be handling editing duties, something I've been looking forward to. For now, I have three writers under me, but it's bound to expand.

I've written 5 pieces already for the site, which you can find here, and plan to keep a pace of two pieces a week. If you want to skip to the good stuff, the ones I'm most proud of are the piece about season trophy winners in the NBA and the internet debut of my great (and probably controversial) 5 teams theory. If you're interested in following the site, which covers a myriad of sports, you can bookmark, like the Facebook page or follow us on Twitter (I plan on operating the account during the playoffs). Thanks to Grand Warlock of Creative Grammar Blake Butler for the opportunity and see you over there if you want to talk sports!

Movie Review : The Last Stand (2013)

Movie Review : Sin City - A Dame to Kill For (2014)