The Vox & Hops Album Reviews — Dead End Follies

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The Vox & Hops Album Reviews

The Vox & Hops Album Reviews

Those of you who follow me on Instragram already know : I’ve been reviewing metal records for Vox & Hops, the beer & metal podcast hosted by Cryptopsy's frontman Matt McGachy, for almost a year now. Why more metal and, most important, why more fucking reviews? Because I was tired to listen to the same twenty to twenty-five bands mostly from the nineties, so I challenged myself to listen to more recent stuff and collaborate with a brand I love. Matt was graceful enough to make a little place for me on his review crew.

I don't know if there is such a thing as a Dead End Follies metal review completist, but in case there is, here is the exhaustive list of my album reviews over there. There’s a lot of cool stuff for you to check out in order to pimp your Spotify playlist, including my album of the year. The list is not exhaustive yet, but I’ll come back to it semi-regularly and include it in the top left menu. It was a life-affirming endeavor, so far. I’ve made a lot of friends and contacts within some of the most iconic metal labels.

…And Oceans - As In Gardens, So In Tombs

They Grieve - To Which I Bore Witness

Nomad - The Mountain

August Burns Red - Death Below

Sunrot - The Unfailing Rope

Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean - Obsession Destruction

Immortal - War Against All

Godflesh - Purge

Blackbraid - Blackbraid II

Thorn - Evergloom

Harm's Way - Common Suffering

Autopsy - Ashes, Organs, Blood & Crypts

Mortuary Drape - Black Mirror

Full of Hell & Nothing - When No Birds Sang

Brodequin - Harbinger of Woe

Darkspace - -II

Judas Priest - Invincible Shield

Full of Hell - Coagulated Bliss

Hagetisse - The Fountain of Fallen Stars

Apes - Penitence

Onchocerciasis Esophagogastroduodenoscopy - The Fallen Lament

Nails - Every Bridge Burning

Blood Incantation - Absolute Elesehwere

Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean - Sysiphean Cruelty

Harakiri for the Sky - Scorched Earth


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