Nominations for the 2023 Larry Prater Awards
Another years has gone by.
I've read over eighty books, seen perhaps forty movies or so (I don't count them) and listened to a ludicrous number of records and it's time to reveal what was the best of the best again. It's been a ridiculously fun year where I awarded so many eights that I started doubting whether or not I'd lost my capacity to be critical about anything. Artists have nailed it in 2023. What else can I say?
So, here are the nominees for the 2023 Larry Prater Award for Best Read and the 2023 Larry Prater Award for Best Viewing. Oncer again this year I chose not to hand out a Larry Prater Award for music, but this time it's mostly because I will do it for Vox & Hops. Once again, you can either click on a nominee’s cover or title in order to access the original review.
As I say every year, original score might not be indicative of who's gonna win. Appreciation can change and evolve over time.